Sunday, October 18, 2009


Well it's been a while since my last post. Well I was quite busy. A lot of stuff is going on right now. I am still with Guido Karp and I also started my apprenticeship this August. Well I could start telling you everything from new people I met or new places I have been. But this is just supposed to be a small update and I kinda got lazy, concerning my writing. Moreover I honestly don't know for whom I am writing... But nevertheless those of you who might read this might also be interested in the new stuff i recently did. So here it comes the I did some Images for a Hotel close by called Maravilla. It is a family business with a very modern interior design. I really enjoyed working for them, here comes the Tear Sheet:

I also managed to find some time to do some free stuff. Those images are done in cooperation with Nina Klein (Model), Stephanie Schulze (Makeup) and Julian Wagner (Hair)

Some constellation different Model (Larissa Brugger):

Well thats it so far and I will try to do an update now and then.
And thanks for stopping by.

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